Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Animal Farm (pg72-141)

     This last half of the book was a very interesting read. There were twist and turns, surprises, and a lot of foreshadowing. At first it was the humans vs. the animals. Then it turned to the animals against each other. Nothing good was going to come from this.
     Things were continuously going south and only lies and deceit could make things seem better. Sides were being taken and rumors were flourishing. While reading this book it is interesting to see the connection between Communism and the animals. This book also shows how naive some people are and how sneaky and power hungry others can be. When there was a problem to no fault of the animals they were brainwashed to the point where they themselves would say, "I do not understand it. I would not have believed that such things could happen... It must be due to some fault in ourselves" (Orwell 85). This book showed never ending levels of dictatorship and how it is impossible for people to stay classless. Ones ability to convince others, higher education, and strength would determine ones spot in a communistic government and this book is a great example.
      Soon these animals in denial realized what was going on and refused to stay silent anymore. This might have been what Orwell pictured when he saw communism: an end and people standing up for themselves for in the end if no one is the same communism is just and unfair and unequal democracy. This is for in the end no one could tell the humans from the pigs apart meaning that they were the same and that in the end communism failed them.    

Monday, May 30, 2011

Animal Farm (pgs1-71)

     This book Animal Farm by George orwell is about democracy and communism. Orwell wrote this book after he got out of the war and because of the dangers of the book Orwell wrote this book on animals and called this book, "a fairy story." (Orwell/ Preface vi) This book brought attention to the world by showing it what was going on in life and how things are not how they always seem to be.
     The book starts of with the drunken farmer forgetting to shut the peepholes and once gone all of the animals gathered for a meeting. This is where their leader Major said, "The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth. ... Why then do we  continue with this  miserable condition? Because nearly the whole procedure of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. ... Remove Man from the scene and the root cause of hunger and over work is abolished for ever." (Orwell &) This is where it all started. Major was making sense and the animals were paying attention. Later on that night major died and the animals over the next three months planned a rebellion. This left two leaders: Snowball and Napoleon. The problem with this was that the two could not stand each other and soon Snowball was ran out.
     It was clear to see that Napoleon was going mad with power. Everything was great at first ; however,nothing good ever last. Napoleon was treating certain animals better than others, training the animals for war, and turning some against each other. It was the start of chaos and it looked like nothing was ever going to be done to stop the madness.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Female Serial Killers... (pg350-437)

     These last few chapters really summed up the book. It went over its last examples, things to look out for, and reasons why people must be careful. Vronsky made it clear that every reason that a female serial killer is a killer is sociological and most likely started during their youth.
     The latest examples were the most famous serial killers of this time. These women were the Manson Girls. They were manipulated and abused; however, Charlie Manson was the only father figure they had so they really had no clue. Most of the people manipulated by Charlie Manson had hippie parents who gave Charlie permission to take their children under under his roof and or guidance. Also the younger the better because their mind was less developed and more dependant. These last few chapters also taught "The making of State serial Killers" (Vronsky 392), ways that female serial killers murder, and warning signs.
     Earlier in the book Vronsky says, "When women commit violence the only explanation offered has been that it is involuntary, defensive, or result of mental illness or hormonal imbalance inherent with female physiology..." (Vronsky 6). Vronsky comes back to this when he mentions the sick desires behind Irma Grese's killings. If Nazi guards who people felt were corrupt thought that she was vicious there was definitely something wrong. Vronsky also gives lists of characteristics of female serial killers or one in the making. One list consisted of, "rigid adherence to conventional values, submissiveness to authority figures, aggressiveness toward out groups, opposition to: introspection, reflection, and creativity, preoccupation with power and 'toughness', destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity... ,an exaggerated concern with sexuality" (Vronsky 393). Some characteristics on this list describe people that you know whether you know it or not. These list also go on with warnings of what to look for. I guess that was Vronsky's conclusion present so we'll know if we are in the presence of a serial killer or one in the making. In conclusion this was a good informational book of which one should definitely recommend to others.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Femal Serial Killers... (pg200-350)

     This part of the book has more general thoughts but more specific examples. It is a lot of information to take in and process without ones stumic turning a little bit. The explanations do what they say and explain the reason how and why these women killed but that can only do so much to comfort the audience.
     A disturbing part of this book is knowing traits and or symptoms of a serial/ possible serial killer. It really makes one have to think about the people they know and how they have to be choshus. The book states that some victims can be "aware of everything" (Vronsky 259) at a certain point; however that point is mostly when it is too late. A victim can know their killer and that they are dangerous but most victims do not know that they should have stayed away until they are under attack. This is for the victims of violent female serial killers. Most women serial killers use poison so their victims may have never been aware.
     This part of the book is more personal because it shows pictures and has personal background information on the killers. Some things are shocking while other things seem obvious to the eye. What was shocking in this part of the book was how there were couple serial killers and what their motives were (Ex: killing to impress each other or to be used as for play).The options were limitless. Also some serial couples  like Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo were people based off of many movies or had movies about them that I have seen. It is interesting how things like team murder can only be imagined as something in a movie but the truth is that the movie is the aftermath. This part of the book explaines why people do so many things and why problems can go deeper than south.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Female Serial Killers... (pg106-200)

     In the latest pages there have been examples of female serial killers and reasons for their reasonings. Although each person is different women are more similar to each other than men and women. They think differently and so they act differently. The book is suppose to be about female serial killers; however, it keeps acting like a comparison guide for the behaviors on women and men serial killers. When the book goes into more specific detail on the examples of female serial killers it changes the title to its exact meaning.
     This book talks of how the earlier that one started these crimes the better because records and technology wasn't the greatest. This book also talks of female serial killers of the "century". Vronsky tells of the ones that the government does not want people to hear about and why. He tells the stories of those who were caught and for some, if they truly wanted would still be free. This reason is why so many female serial killers are thought of as, "lethal ladies" (Vronsky 138). This is not the definition of a female serial killer; however, because of our mindsets and their will/ determination the word or definition is not taken as serious. A mass murderer is almost the definition of a serial killer; however, a female serial killer has a more detailed and disturbing picture. So if someone says that a mass murderer is on the loose instead of a female serial killers, reactions would be much worse.
     Vronsky puts the ideas and thoughts of these women on to paper. Some of it is through actual interviews and documents while others are through sociological studies. Every piece of information in this book connects back to the female mind and why it is so easy for them to snap and get away with it. The saying don't do the crime if you can't do the time comes to mind. Men are most likely to commit a crime knowing they will get caught sooner or later and after a while are willing to accept the consequences. Women will only do crimes if they can get away with it or that a(n) hormonal balance convinces them that it is "okay" to do what they are doing. Vronsky also includes problems with society that enables women. We ourselves without realizing it help create these monsters who are so close to a snap that they could be a new name added to this book. They female mind is nothing to joke with for it could literally cost one their life (and without any repercussions).

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Female Serial Killers... (pg60-106)

     Although Vronsky is all over the place in this book it all connects. He tells of serial killers from Mark Anthony's time to our time now. This book reveals scandals from the past that most people do not even dear to bring up. The chapters go from examples, to studies, to just random facts about female serial killers and how no matter what time they were always better at getting away with their crimes than the males.  There are said to be female serial killers worse than jack the ripper; however, they are not mentioned because of fear of chaos or the fact that their crimes could never be proven. The most famous, dangerous, and hardly mentioned serial killers were woman and from early times. This was because of the lack of records, and because the way that women were treated back then made them more manipulative and vengeful.
     Most horror stories today are because of female serial killers. Examples of these are count dracula and vampires. The theory of vampires came from Elizabeth Bathory who murdered women for their blood. She believed that is gave her youth and kept her beutiful. So Bathory drank, bathed, and wore the blood of her victoms. Records sgowed testomy of things she did like, "she bit out individual pieces of flesh from girls with her teeth" (Vronsky 88). Most people thought of this serial killer to be the devil. She killed hundreds and was successful with getting away with it for so long.
     The book also lead to questions. Even after becoming an expert on serial killers Vronsky and many others can never be sure about why some women become serial killers. Studies showed that women could become serial killers based on abuse (physical or mental from anytime in there life) or abandonment from parents. Studies show that males who were seperated from there fathers at birth often became criminals or murderers. These studies also showed that women who were seperated from trhere mothers at bith often kill, become abusive, or lack affection and trust which later turns into something more. The problem with this is that even after the study there were still questions left unanswered. Something else unexplainable causes some women to kill, think/dream of murder, and even worse plot to the point where they almost never get cought.

Female Serial Killers ... (intro-pg60)

     The book Female Serial Killers by Peter Vronsky is of course about female serial killers. This book goes in to the deep and dark minds of those who have killed and what got them to those points. Vronsky talks to experts, detectives, mass murderers, and anyone with possible information on serial killers.
      At first Vronsky wanted to right a book a male serial killers until he found the the fact that one out of every six serial killers is a woman. Many people do not even think of women when they hear "serial killer". Vronsky also did not when he was finding information on male serial killers and later found out that he interviewed a few female serial killers. It was soon found out that people (women and men) do not consider women when it comes to serial killers because people often vision that, "... women are victims and males are collectively oppressors" (Vronsky 9). This stereotype is often why victims of female serial killers do not see the attacks coming. Most people could never see their mother, a nurse, or baby sister attacking them while they are most vulnerable. This all convinced Vronsky to change his topic for a book on only female serial killers.
     In Female Serial Killers, Vronsky often compares the female serial killers back to the males. This is to show how much better the females are at the crimes that they commit and why they get away with these crimes for either a long time or forever.  Vronsky also talks about the many different definitions of a serial killer and often how women fit into all of them. The further into the book that one goes the more that one learns and can see why female serial killers stay under the radar.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife (Reviews)

     The reviews for the Time Travelers Wife were mixed. People liked and disliked the movie just as much as they did the book. Different people liked the book more than the movie and those who liked the movie movie more than the book had more to criticize on the movie. 
     It was interesting to read the reviews for points were brought up that were not thought of and could change ones perspective of the movie altogether. Rioranch film reviews make the movie seem awful. What is suppose to be hart worming becomes depressing after a critic writes, "But when you think that the film has thankfully come to an end, there’s a scene where Henry visits his daughter and bereaved wife. It’s supposed to be heart warming (the wife runs through the meadow to embrace her husband before he disappears) but in reality it seems kind of awful. Rather than move on, are these characters doomed to wait around for the odd visit from a dead Henry? If it’s supposed to leave you with a warm, tingly feeling in your gut, it fails dismally."(Rioranch reviews). It was thought that it is so sweet that one will always be able to see her love one then attention is brought to the fact that she has not and will never move on, and is also constantly waiting for an even longer arrival and shorter visit than when Henry was actually alive.
     Reviews of the book were much higher. One proffessional website said, "
Grab a copy of The Time Traveler's Wife and throw yourself headlong into their story. It's time well spent. This is a highly recommended read, and I know it will be a gift I'll offer generously to others on my holiday list this year."(W. R. Greer After reading the book and then watching the movie both reviews are agreeable and do open ones eyes to what is unseen.

The Time Traveler's Wife (pg269-536)

     This half of the book focuses more on the good parts of Clare and Henry being together and more of where Henry goes when he travels. Henry mostly travels to the past so compared to the movie the book is almost backwards. Also things from the past are revealed that are not revealed in the movie. Also there are different reactions to dramatic events in the book where the movie played them out to fullest.
     After being together while Clare is older it was only destined for them to get married. In the movie Henry almost misses his wedding for he unwillingly starts to time travel after the wedding while on their honey moon Henry starts time traveling again. The book has Henry their the whole time. The book does not really stress Henry's time traveling, only what it does to everyone emotionally. This is why it was surprising that Clare was not angry about finding out about Henry's vasectomy. She just comely said, "No. I can't do this anymore either. I give up" (Niffenegger 372). In the movie this scene was way more dramatic.
     In the book things that have already happened and have been told will be told again. Also things from Clare's past that were hinted at in the movie are explained in the book. Clare also seems less stressed out and more happy. The drama of having a child is not gone as thoroughly explained like in the movie. This happy couple stays in love no matter the problem and knows that they will be always in a way be connected even after Henry's death. This is because in a way its like he never died because a time traveling Henry from the past always come for his Clare. The book goes into more detail on how this effects Clare where the movie does not. In the end the book can be considered better than the movie for it holds more information and sides to the story.

The Time Traveler's Wife (pg1-269)

     After reading the first half of this book it was realized that although this is the same story it is different from the movie. The movie started of with Clare (Henry's wife) as a child meeting Henry. The book starts of almost in diary form showing different perspectives. The first point of view was of Clare talking of how difficult it is to be in a relationship with Henry. Then from present tense of the now it goes from present tense of Clare talking and telling of how she meets Henry in the library when she's older.
     Clare meeting Henry in the library is the first time that Henry meets Clare; however, Clare has met the older Henry many times before. Clare knew this because the older Henry knew how this meeting would come. So with Henry being confused Clare tells of her explaining by saying, "I try to explain. 'I'm Clare Abshire. I knew you from when I was a little girl..." (Niffenegger 4). This scene has Clare doing a lot of explaining to the audience and Henry. This is something that the movie and the book have in common.
     The book is almost set up in a play form where it goes from actor to actor. Clare is the actor mostly talking to the audience, one really can not say that Henry talks to the audience the most because they are different Henrys. What this means is that There can be a 30 year old Henry talking or a 25 year old Henry talking. So they are not all the same  and can be considered talking. In the movie its more of the Henry from the present. The book is also more detailed. It shows more of Henry's life before he met Clare and how he has gotten to certain points in his life where the movie skips over these parts.This first half of the book has gone over Henry's life and what Clare puts up with to be with the love of her life Henry. This is so much more when compared to the movie of witch is not as specific.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife (movie- 2nd half)

     After being so upset about Henry's vasectomy when a Henry from the past calls Clare to pick him up from this time travel she sleeps with him. The next week Clare was pregnant and told Henry after he was wondering why she was acting so weird. The only thing that she could say was that "'s not like I cheated on you". After all thin was was Henry's baby that she was having; however, it was just the younger Henry who did not yet get a vasectomy.
     Clare's whole answer to the whole situation was that they were not going to argue. Every time that they argued Clare lost the baby so this time she said there was going to be no stress while she was pregnant. Henry on the other hand was stressed and overwhelmed with worry. He did not want a child with the same genetic order that he had and did not want Clare to be disappointed again. This was all until that Henry went on one of his uncontrollable time trips and saw Alba (their daughter) who was very alive and happy. Knowing that something had to be done in the past to make the future like that happened he went to go see Dr. Kendrick who helps him and his daughter in the future. So Alba was born and she can control her time traveling and also where she goes unlike her father. That was how Alba cam back to tell herself  in the past what happens to their father. Henry dies by being shot while some people where hunting. After a while everyone new Henry was going to die and the all anticipated when it was going to happen. Once it did happen Henry from the past was still coming to the past and still returning to the meadow where Clare still left clothes out for him.She kept the mindset "just in case (he comes back)". So that was how the movie ended; however, they all reunited at the meadow as a family and once again they were all waiting and anticipating Henry's next visit.

The Time Traveler's Wife (movie- 1st half)

     This movie is about a girl named Clare who falls in love with a time traveler named Henry. Henry has known Clare since she was five and she has been in love with him ever since.
     The movie starts off with Clare meeting Henry at the library. For Henry this is the first time ever meeting Clare (well his first time remembering meeting Clair). Henry told Clare in a different time that the met that this would happen. So she tells Henry everything and asked him out on a date at Henry's favorite restaurant. Later on after the date the both go back to Henry's place. This is where Clare tells Henry about the first time ever meeting which was in the meadow out in back of Clare's house. From there Henry and Clare start dating. After odd situations Clare's friends find out about Henry's situation which the movie said was because of his genetics.
      Time past on and Clare and Henry are now married and the stress of Henry disappearing and staying gone was starting to  kick in. Knowing her stress Henry met Clare after work and took her into a store with a whole lot of TVs and handed her a scratch ticket. This was when the lottery number's were read off as Henry said them aloud before they were even said. Henry had bought Clare the 5 million dollar lottery ticket of which the used to buy their dream home that had Clare's art studio. A little while later Clare gets pregnant and keeps loosing the baby that is also a time traveler like Henry. Henryy was getting tired of Clare's disappointment so he get a vasectomy.