Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife (Reviews)

     The reviews for the Time Travelers Wife were mixed. People liked and disliked the movie just as much as they did the book. Different people liked the book more than the movie and those who liked the movie movie more than the book had more to criticize on the movie. 
     It was interesting to read the reviews for points were brought up that were not thought of and could change ones perspective of the movie altogether. Rioranch film reviews make the movie seem awful. What is suppose to be hart worming becomes depressing after a critic writes, "But when you think that the film has thankfully come to an end, there’s a scene where Henry visits his daughter and bereaved wife. It’s supposed to be heart warming (the wife runs through the meadow to embrace her husband before he disappears) but in reality it seems kind of awful. Rather than move on, are these characters doomed to wait around for the odd visit from a dead Henry? If it’s supposed to leave you with a warm, tingly feeling in your gut, it fails dismally."(Rioranch reviews). It was thought that it is so sweet that one will always be able to see her love one then attention is brought to the fact that she has not and will never move on, and is also constantly waiting for an even longer arrival and shorter visit than when Henry was actually alive.
     Reviews of the book were much higher. One proffessional website said, "
Grab a copy of The Time Traveler's Wife and throw yourself headlong into their story. It's time well spent. This is a highly recommended read, and I know it will be a gift I'll offer generously to others on my holiday list this year."(W. R. Greer After reading the book and then watching the movie both reviews are agreeable and do open ones eyes to what is unseen.

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