Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Time Traveler's Wife (pg1-269)

     After reading the first half of this book it was realized that although this is the same story it is different from the movie. The movie started of with Clare (Henry's wife) as a child meeting Henry. The book starts of almost in diary form showing different perspectives. The first point of view was of Clare talking of how difficult it is to be in a relationship with Henry. Then from present tense of the now it goes from present tense of Clare talking and telling of how she meets Henry in the library when she's older.
     Clare meeting Henry in the library is the first time that Henry meets Clare; however, Clare has met the older Henry many times before. Clare knew this because the older Henry knew how this meeting would come. So with Henry being confused Clare tells of her explaining by saying, "I try to explain. 'I'm Clare Abshire. I knew you from when I was a little girl..." (Niffenegger 4). This scene has Clare doing a lot of explaining to the audience and Henry. This is something that the movie and the book have in common.
     The book is almost set up in a play form where it goes from actor to actor. Clare is the actor mostly talking to the audience, one really can not say that Henry talks to the audience the most because they are different Henrys. What this means is that There can be a 30 year old Henry talking or a 25 year old Henry talking. So they are not all the same  and can be considered talking. In the movie its more of the Henry from the present. The book is also more detailed. It shows more of Henry's life before he met Clare and how he has gotten to certain points in his life where the movie skips over these parts.This first half of the book has gone over Henry's life and what Clare puts up with to be with the love of her life Henry. This is so much more when compared to the movie of witch is not as specific.

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