Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Female Serial Killers... (pg350-437)

     These last few chapters really summed up the book. It went over its last examples, things to look out for, and reasons why people must be careful. Vronsky made it clear that every reason that a female serial killer is a killer is sociological and most likely started during their youth.
     The latest examples were the most famous serial killers of this time. These women were the Manson Girls. They were manipulated and abused; however, Charlie Manson was the only father figure they had so they really had no clue. Most of the people manipulated by Charlie Manson had hippie parents who gave Charlie permission to take their children under under his roof and or guidance. Also the younger the better because their mind was less developed and more dependant. These last few chapters also taught "The making of State serial Killers" (Vronsky 392), ways that female serial killers murder, and warning signs.
     Earlier in the book Vronsky says, "When women commit violence the only explanation offered has been that it is involuntary, defensive, or result of mental illness or hormonal imbalance inherent with female physiology..." (Vronsky 6). Vronsky comes back to this when he mentions the sick desires behind Irma Grese's killings. If Nazi guards who people felt were corrupt thought that she was vicious there was definitely something wrong. Vronsky also gives lists of characteristics of female serial killers or one in the making. One list consisted of, "rigid adherence to conventional values, submissiveness to authority figures, aggressiveness toward out groups, opposition to: introspection, reflection, and creativity, preoccupation with power and 'toughness', destructiveness and cynicism, projectivity... ,an exaggerated concern with sexuality" (Vronsky 393). Some characteristics on this list describe people that you know whether you know it or not. These list also go on with warnings of what to look for. I guess that was Vronsky's conclusion present so we'll know if we are in the presence of a serial killer or one in the making. In conclusion this was a good informational book of which one should definitely recommend to others.

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