Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever (pg134-242)

     Once again Winter is putting herself in a deeper whole when she needs to be climbing to the top. With Winter focousing on clothes, money, parting, and staying on top she keeps making mistakes. Her first mistake was to start talking to a revengful exfriends boyfriend (money train). This caused an anonomous source to call child services and report her location. This got Winter put in a group home for teens.
     In this group home Winter started what she would call her street hustle where her friend stole things and Winter sold the items to the people in the group home. Meanwhile Winter's once beutiful and eye catching mother has become a crackhead, her father is being transfered to prisions and her sisters are still with child services. Somione Winter's pregnant friend who stole stuff got caught steeling and needed Winter to bail her out of jail. Winter knowing she had a stash for the baby was not trying to bail her out knowing that she wasnt going to get that money back. So Winter just left her there not wanting to give up what she considered hard earned cash. So coming home one day almost late for cerfew 5 girls including pregnant Somione were waiting there to jump Winter and some people in the group home were in on it. So going back there after they left was still not safe.
     Now Winter is left at the Mercy of Sister Souljah who acasionaly took in troubled teens for a little while. Winter cant stand pitty or being pitied ecspecialy by Souljah who she can not stand because she believes is fake and views of life are all wrong all while Winter ironicly ends up in this situation. Winter doesnt think how her father tought her and it is really backfireingg on her. When Souljah asked her what was going on that a close friend brought her here Winter simply said, "It aint nothin'. Just some jealous girls at the place where I stay" (Souljah 238). This has always been her problem she makes every situation about her, unimportant, or even worse. When someone who is willing to help ask if there is a problem telling that there isnt a problem will not help. Winter likes to be private and that's okay but telling nothing is not going to help. It was interesting because the person who brought Winter to Souljah already told her everything so hiding what was told didnt do anything. Winter thinks becomeing 18 soon will help get her out of these situations but a number does not change choices being made. As soon as she relizes that she could grow up and take the help people are giving her willingly so she would not have to worry about those situations.

1 comment:

  1. watch homonyms: whole/hole, there/their

    good analysis of Winter's defense mechanisms
