Thursday, October 14, 2010

Laughing in the dark (68-127)

     As usual Gaines was following the lead of a man and something went wrong. Ben the father of Gaines's child was doing heroin and got Gaines to try it. This was not a difficult task for Gaines just went along with it and said sure. So after enjoying it so much they started to do it on the weekends. Thank god they had enough sense not to get high around their daughter Andrea.
     During this time Ben and Gaines were at different places in life so they were living in different places. On a visit to Gaines's house ben brought a friend and some heroin. So after they shot up Gaines remembered that she made arrangements for them to go out to a concert. In wanting to go Ben told Gaines to hold they drugs and seringes in her purse. So of coures Gaines did what Ben pleased. Sitting high at the concert Ben and his friend left Gaines alone to go to the bath room. After an hour alone she looked over and relized that Ben and his friend had been busted for selling drugs to an under cover cop and thety were now making their way over to Gaines. Relizing that Gaines had drugs in her purse she ran out towards the exiting crowd. It was not hard to notice Gaines for  there were only three black people who attended the cocert of which two had just been arrested. They cought Gaines, gave her an exsessive bail, and she was imprisioned for a month and had a five month probation guilty plee insted of five years in jail. Once again Gaines relized that she was the one who suffered while Ben got of scot free. Ben could not be charged because he had no drugs on him at the time.
     Once out of jail Gaines relized how wrong her life had went. She was a brides mate in her ex-best friends wedding. She saw how happy Ginny was married, educated, had good supportive friends who did the right things in life, and succeding in life way better than Gaines. Life was now more of a struggle than Gaines ever imagined. She relized that just typing was not going to help support her and that having been charged with a felony would not get her a job. Gaines recalled going to interviews thinking that people would be understanding and then saying, "But employers didn't see it my way, and once interviewers took a look at my application, they said, 'I'm sorry' " (Gaines 127). This all made Gaines go back to school, try harder, and look back on her mistakes so that she would not make new ones. This was difficult, depressing, and an ordeal that Gaines was forced to face and was very helpful but or how long is the question.

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