Monday, May 30, 2011

Animal Farm (pgs1-71)

     This book Animal Farm by George orwell is about democracy and communism. Orwell wrote this book after he got out of the war and because of the dangers of the book Orwell wrote this book on animals and called this book, "a fairy story." (Orwell/ Preface vi) This book brought attention to the world by showing it what was going on in life and how things are not how they always seem to be.
     The book starts of with the drunken farmer forgetting to shut the peepholes and once gone all of the animals gathered for a meeting. This is where their leader Major said, "The life of an animal is misery and slavery: that is the plain truth. ... Why then do we  continue with this  miserable condition? Because nearly the whole procedure of our labour is stolen from us by human beings. ... Remove Man from the scene and the root cause of hunger and over work is abolished for ever." (Orwell &) This is where it all started. Major was making sense and the animals were paying attention. Later on that night major died and the animals over the next three months planned a rebellion. This left two leaders: Snowball and Napoleon. The problem with this was that the two could not stand each other and soon Snowball was ran out.
     It was clear to see that Napoleon was going mad with power. Everything was great at first ; however,nothing good ever last. Napoleon was treating certain animals better than others, training the animals for war, and turning some against each other. It was the start of chaos and it looked like nothing was ever going to be done to stop the madness.