Friday, December 17, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever (394-413)

     Winter has a problem and it could have been the end of her. Staying in a mentally abusive relationship and doing whatever for money is what would soon get Winter locked up for 15 years. To think that this could have been avoided if the word "No" was spoken.
     After Bullet decided to unlock Winter from the apartment he took her for a walk. After scaring her in a tone that she loved he asked her to do a drop off with him. This drop off was taking a trip out of stat to exchange drugs and guns for money. When asked if she would do it with him she got a bad feeling; however, she still agreed to do whatever that Bullet wanted. So in preparing for the trip Bullet took Winter back to Brooklyn where Winter the person who use to rule Brooklyn no longer felt safe. So after Bullet left to go to his second apartment to pick up some things Winter got distracted. This led Simone who still held anger to Winter for letting her stay in jail smash the window of the car that Winter was in. After a while Winter was winning the fight until Bullet came back and Winter got distracted by looking at him to provide protection like he provided everything else for her. That was when Simone got a broken glass bottle and swung it across Winter's face. That was when Bullet fired his gun in the air and everyone scattered. As he ran over to help winter and her now bleeding face the cops arrived. This was when Bullet hopped up, walked across the street, and then down the street like nothing ever happened and he did not know what was going on.
     Winter was thrown in jail because i rental car that she was now leaning against  was rented in her name, had drugs stuffed in teddy bears, and weapons in the trunk. If she simply said the truth Bullet would have been arrested and Winter would have been let go. Now 250,055 days into her 15 year sentence she was stepping outside of prison for her mother's funeral. This was like an awful family reunion. Everybody was there, Winter, her father, 3 sisters, and dead crackhead mother in a casket. This is where Winter got to speak to Porsche her younger sister who always wanted to be like Winter following exactly in Winter's footsteps. That is when Winter thought, "But I wanted to warn her about certain things in life. Usually I'm not at a loss for words. But I didn't feel good enough to tell her what I really thought. I knew what she would think: Winter, you're just saying that' cause you're in jail. Winter, you're just saying that because you're old. ...Winter you're just saying that because you're jealous. So instead of saying what I had learned, what was on the tip of my tongue, I said nothing at all. .... She'll learn for herself. That's just the way it is." (Souljah 412-413). Winter finally learned her lesson and it was just to bad that it took her loosing her freedom to realize it. Now her sister is going through the same thing and unfortunately she will probably end up the same way. Using men and only careering about the superficial things in life will only end badly.
The End.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever (pg 346-394)

     Winter only looking out for Winter and the fastest way to do that has gotten herself into even more problems than she even knows. Being with Bullet is like being in jail. He is over protective, suspisous, jelous, and not the type of person anyone should be with.
     Bullet has Winter locked up in there apartment and her every move is being watched. Winter found out that she was three months pregnant and new it was not Bullet's baby because she was not with him three months ago and new if Bullet found out he would kill her. On top of that he was trying to keep her away from her father by not telling her what prision he was at. So after getting and abortion Bullet grew suspisous because she was not home when he called. Also the doorman who Bullet pays to be his little spy told him that Winter kept leaving the apartment. Bullet even had to violent pitbulls gard the no pets allowed apartment so that she could not leave and on top of that Bullet did not return home for two nights and three days. This ment that Winter was left home straanded in her room for three days with out any food.
     So when Bullet finally came into the room Winter said, "Im hungry'.., which had Bullet reply, 'Oh, so you remember who feeds you, with Winter helplessly saying, 'I never forgot" (Souljah 392). With things like this happening one would think that Winter would try to get out of this horrible relationship; however, she stays because he takes care of Winter whom believes that is all a man should do for her. This is all going to put Winter in a bad situation that she can not get out of and all because of Bullet and her thinking will soon change for people have said to Winter time and time before that gold diggers who also can not do anything for themselves, will end up repaying the supporters some how and with Bullet it could be with Winter's life itself.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Coldest Winter Ever (pg242-346)

     Winter still absessed with money and using people still is not living right. She has no job, degree, or place of her own. Insted she is living off of people and beging the gold digger that her mother trained her to be.
     Living with Souljah is not as bad as Winter thought it would be. She had all of the conections, a nice place, and Lauren as a friend. Laurn is Souljah's sister who is more like Winter than imagined. After a few months Winter was getting closer and closer to her goal of getting enough money and getting back in touch with Midnight who Souljah had more connections to than she was letting on. So Souljah was having an AIDS fundraiser where Winter was a colector and with about $7000 in her basket she stole the majority of it and even recieved a check for all of her work.
     On Winter's way back to the mansion to get her stuff she walked into Lauren who Souljah called the trickster for a reason that Winter would soon find out. Winter packed her studd and told a lie that she was going to see hger mother in the hospital. Lauren being suspicious mad Winter help her  with some boxes. When Winter was not looking she checked her bags and saw all that cash. So Lauren took all that cash and put bottles in the bag so Winter wouldm't notice the weight change. Winter only figure this out while she was on a bus going to Jersey. The next day it was Winter's birthday of which she forgot and a man that she ws using called  her to congratulate her and come and pick her up and take her to key west. Bullet the guy she was using said, "You know you mine's now' with Winter thinking, '...Bullet thought that he had to fight to make me his girl. I'd lett him believe it, too. Little did he know, I was when he pulled the whip around the bend" (Souljah 345-345). The only reason was because he had money, would take care of her, looked good, and she had no better offers. Winter was falling back into a cycle that her father had warned her about before which he warned would not work out. He said that she had to make her own and getting it from others never last and would hurt her in the end unless she could support herself.